The zevercould app key and app secret is now supported by the Auto Uploader.
The ‘API Key’ has been renamed to ‘Plant Key’
The zevercould app key and app secret is now supported by the Auto Uploader.
The ‘API Key’ has been renamed to ‘Plant Key’
I hope they give me the app secret and key within the next few days so I can fix this.
Isn’t the ZeverCloud APP key/secret meant for a single APP implementation instead of a single Plant? As in PVOutput would need only one app key+secret to connect to Zevercloud and then everyone has to fill in their API key to connect to the right plant?
If we all need unique app key+secrets next to the API key, then they’ve in practice more or less made the API key longer no?
The app keys are rated limited by zevercloud and will run into issues after a certain amount of users.
Thankyou very much BB can confirm, works like a charm.
And thanks for the Zevercloud second option.
how did you get your api secret and key?
I send an email to support but still no reply.
I also emailed support when everything started going south and they were not aware of an issue so they emailed this address who then alerted support.
I believe the address is based in China so not sure Holidays and all how long they have off.
Just keep emailing them they should come through.
Hope it helps .
I’ve tried email and phone to service in Australia. No response.
The phone gets a recorded message that its a public holiday in Victoria today, which it’s not.
I’ll try emailing China.
The Chinese email worked. All up and running again. Thanks for the quick response gentlemen.
Awesome,I’m glad that they came through.
I am verry happy with the chineese email, here also up and running thanks to BB en zevelution
EU customer service from Zeversolar also responded promptly for me. And thanks for the update to PVOutput, works like a charm again!
Currently in the same boat. I’ve emailed Au and Chinese support, but haven’t heard back from either yet
And, as an aside, I’ve noticed that my inverter is no longer connecting to Zevercloud …
Im also experiencing outage of Zevercloud since 17/4 ~12:00 hrs.
My inverter is no longer connected and is not uploading data to Zevercloud.
Also, PVOutput is not collecting data as a result.
Any solution to this?
mine is down since this morning 10 am, no data since, cant see if it connects to zevercloud, im not at home
Mine is connected to Zevercloud but its not reporting to PVOutput, its beed down in PVOutput since the 17th also.
thanks that email worked i got my secret key added to my account
Testing your details, zevercloud is responding with a success message but it is reporting -
{“code”:-1,“msg”:“Please reconfig your appname”}
Zevercloud support would need to assist with this.
I just added my details in yesterday now that i got them and zevercloud is working fine uploading to pvoutput. Sadly not in 5 min blocks
So what do i need to ask them to do?