Reporting Stopped 7/16 mid day

Not sure why, but about 11am on 7/16/2024, my pvoutput chart stopped updating from my Enphase system. All data is being reported to my Enphase website account fine, just not to pvoutput. What can I check?

Also, weather stopped updating on June 1st, 2024.

Dear ajr214,

About the weather: you’re probaby using the OpenWeather API. From June 1st 2024 API 3.0 is required. All the details and how you can upgrade your existing account can be found in this topic: OpenWeather: One Call 3.0 API Product Update

Why your Enphase stopped uploading to PVOutput is hard to tell. I don’t know your systemID. An easy step you can take can be found here: Enphase V4 autoloader stopped working a month ago Maybe this works for your Enphase system as well.

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Thank you. Revoking and Enabling my key worked. And followed the instructions to upgrade the weather api.