OpenWeather: One Call 3.0 API Product Update

Just received this email:

Hello, it’s OpenWeather!

We are pleased to inform you that the new feature will be released soon in One Call API 3.0 and will be available for all product users by default.

We will add the proper human-readable text description of the daily forecast, for example, “The day will start with rain through the late morning hours, transitioning to partly cloudy”.

The new field summary will be available for each day in the “daily forecast” section for all 8 days. It will describe the weather conditions for the whole day. We prepared the test version of the One Call API 3.0 with the newly added field to help you softly migrate to the new version and test your services with the real data we have added.

Please kindly notice that your calls to the One Call API 3.0 test version will be billed.

The feature will be released at the end of May, please expect the email with a particular date soon.

Please use the test endpoint to make an API call:{lat}&lon={lon}&appid={API key}

The technical documentation can be found here.

In case of any questions, please let us know. We mostly appreciate your feedback!

Contact us

With best wishes,
OpenWeather team

Beware that the 3.0 is not supported by PVoutput

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@bankstownbloke will PVOUTPUT support or will my existing link to OPENWEATHERMAP continue to work and pull in basic temperature information on the daily runs or is there a simple update I need to make on my solar systems settings in PVOUTPUT for use of 3.0 you can guide us with or is there an alternate site to use as suggested for you to get the basic temp info?
I received a reminder email today about OPENWEATHERMAP going to 3.0 from 2.5. Seems they are discontinuing support of 2.5 in June 2024.

My Sample System:

LINK and EMAIL just received from OPENWEATHERMAP

Migration Guide Link: How to transfer from One Call API 2.5 to the One Call API 3.0 - OpenWeatherMap

Important news!
One Call API 2.5 to be closed
Dear OpenWeather user,
We would like to inform you about our plans to complete the migration from One Call 2.5 to One Call 3.0 that started 2 years ago. In line with this, access to One Call 2.5 will be finally closed in June 2024.
One Call 3.0 provides you with significantly advanced business-demanded features such as a minute forecast for 1 hour, 4 days forecast for any timestamp, a daily forecast for 8 days, including a human-readable summary, historical data (45-year archive) for timestamps, and with daily aggregation, 1.5-year long-term forecast with daily aggregation, and others.

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Anyone have any new information on this?

I have the same question- am using OpenWeather with PVO and received the same alert. I’m not tied to them- it’s a nice to have, so I’m open to changing to another PVO supported provider, or if special changes are needed, following that process. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I am surprised @bankstownbloke has not answered yet what if any plans are to support 3.0.

You will need to subscribe to their 3.0 onecall plan, otherwise the existing api key will not work.

The 3.0 subscription has a 1000 daily limit, excess calls will automatically be billed to your credit card.

The limit can be set after subscribing to 3.0, suggest this to be set to below 1000 to keep it in the free range -



OK. I think max calls would be 288 anyway if you by chance got data from here at the time also from Enphase iteration of say at worst case every 5 minutes which is what Enphase tracks my system by as grand fathered in which will be well below 1000 a day.
I presume when I enroll in the API 3.0 its obvious on what to update in our PVOUTPUT profiles to make it work ok.

PVOutput will switch to openweather 3.0 onecall on May 31st 2024.

Subscribe to openweather 3.0 onecall before May 31st and reduce the default limit from 2000 to 1000 or less if you do not wish to be charged by openweather for accidentally going over the limit.

The existing openweather API key used for 2.5 will work with 3.0.

The “Test” link for openweather on PVOutput settings is now testing against openweather 3.0.

Note it takes 30 minutes or longer for the 3.0 access to register after activating the subscription on openweather.


OK Thanks. Is there any other free options that you know of? Trying to avoid having a profile on their web site with my CCard unnecessarily which up to now was not required. Thanks for any info.

I have ‘paid’ via " When you place an order using Link, we do not share your full card number, or CVV code with the business."
Of course you have to share that data with

I would prefer to provide nothing as it seemst his outfit ha another agenda to have ones credit card on profile just to use the free portion when they can easily just disallow the feature once the max free calls are allowed and if no CC is on file. So I guess I will not be collecting this data of simple temperature. But if anyone finds another site that provides that basic information that is fine. I am surprised that BBloke has not found and implemented a universal site for each part of the world that would provide that basic information that is on the standard view of PVOUTPUT and so usefull for all and not unique by region. If one has a zip code or area notation that weather info should be easily found assuming a mainstream weather site allows for such simple calls. Thanks.

Just to make the @bankstownbloke developer aware…
For the Netherlands (only unfortunately) there is an alternative that provides free data for the whole country at once.

Just one query for all 40 buienradar weather stations:

It is free without an account needed, you do need to give credit to

Example that I use to query outdoor humidity (I just statically point to the second weather station in the list):

def get_humidity_buienradar():
    url = ''
    #Call API
        response = requests.request("GET", url)
        response = response.json()
    except Exception as e:
        #print("ErrorType : {}, Error : {}".format(type(e).__name__, e))
        return None
            humidity = str(response['actual']['stationmeasurements'][1]['humidity'])
            return humidity
        except Exception as e:
            return None

PVOutput has migrated from openweather 2.5 to 3.0.

Note openweathermap feeds will no longer work unless your openweathermap account is a 3.0 subscriber.

Seems to be working, thanks @bankstownbloke :+1:

Date (UTC) Total calls Paid calls Total to pay (EUR)
May 31, 2024 88 0 0.0

I bit the bullet and signed up for the free plan and seems to be working with old key and a newly generated key.

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I noticed that my temperature had stopped updating on the 31 of May and I I went to my settings on PVOutput and clicked on test and the JSON showed the target was OneCall 3.0, so I contacted OpenWeather to see if it was an issue with my account. They responded that my temperature queries were now polling OneCall 3.0 instead of OpenWeather 2.5. I then checked the PVOutput forums and saw this.

I have now subscribed to the “free” account with my CC details and will see how it goes, but as of 15 minutes after subscribing, my temperature is now populating again. The good thing is I can see the number of calls that have been made with my account, and so far it is only polling once every 5 minutes, so should be well under the 1000 free calls per month target.

I tested this by checking the counts after 30 minutes (6) then went into my settings in PVOutput and clicked on the “test” option by my Weather API, and OpenWeather showed the call count had increased by 1

Usage over the past three days:

Im the same.

I just used an old prepaid credit card that had a $0 balance on it that hadn’t expired. seemed to work :ok_hand:

Hi guys, below is the code as it is sent with a click on “TEST” next to the Openweathermap API key, but on the Pvoutput graph I do not see anything. :disappointed_relieved:
Thanks for any help

“lat”: 45,
“lon”: 11,
“timezone”: “Europe/Rome”,
“timezone_offset”: 7200,
“current”: {
“dt”: 1718556691,
“sunrise”: 1718508474,
“sunset”: 1718564676,
“temp”: 25.79,
“feels_like”: 25.78,
“pressure”: 1010,
“humidity”: 52,
“dew_point”: 15.2,
“uvi”: 0.72,
“clouds”: 8,
“visibility”: 10000,
“wind_speed”: 1.95,
“wind_deg”: 331,
“wind_gust”: 2.04,
“weather”: [
“id”: 800,
“main”: “Clear”,
“description”: “clear sky”,
“icon”: “01d”

Seems strange.
I have 2 systems using the same api and location. One works one doesn’t :man_shrugging:
Both show enabled on v5

disabled save and re-enabled the temp on v5 and it started working

Do you say disable, save, then enable, save? It did not work for me unfortunately