OpenWeather: One Call 3.0 API Product Update

Just received this email:

Hello, it’s OpenWeather!

We are pleased to inform you that the new feature will be released soon in One Call API 3.0 and will be available for all product users by default.

We will add the proper human-readable text description of the daily forecast, for example, “The day will start with rain through the late morning hours, transitioning to partly cloudy”.

The new field summary will be available for each day in the “daily forecast” section for all 8 days. It will describe the weather conditions for the whole day. We prepared the test version of the One Call API 3.0 with the newly added field to help you softly migrate to the new version and test your services with the real data we have added.

Please kindly notice that your calls to the One Call API 3.0 test version will be billed.

The feature will be released at the end of May, please expect the email with a particular date soon.

Please use the test endpoint to make an API call:{lat}&lon={lon}&appid={API key}

The technical documentation can be found here.

In case of any questions, please let us know. We mostly appreciate your feedback!

Contact us

With best wishes,
OpenWeather team

Beware that the 3.0 is not supported by PVoutput

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@bankstownbloke will PVOUTPUT support or will my existing link to OPENWEATHERMAP continue to work and pull in basic temperature information on the daily runs or is there a simple update I need to make on my solar systems settings in PVOUTPUT for use of 3.0 you can guide us with or is there an alternate site to use as suggested for you to get the basic temp info?
I received a reminder email today about OPENWEATHERMAP going to 3.0 from 2.5. Seems they are discontinuing support of 2.5 in June 2024.

My Sample System:

LINK and EMAIL just received from OPENWEATHERMAP

Migration Guide Link: How to transfer from One Call API 2.5 to the One Call API 3.0 - OpenWeatherMap

Important news!
One Call API 2.5 to be closed
Dear OpenWeather user,
We would like to inform you about our plans to complete the migration from One Call 2.5 to One Call 3.0 that started 2 years ago. In line with this, access to One Call 2.5 will be finally closed in June 2024.
One Call 3.0 provides you with significantly advanced business-demanded features such as a minute forecast for 1 hour, 4 days forecast for any timestamp, a daily forecast for 8 days, including a human-readable summary, historical data (45-year archive) for timestamps, and with daily aggregation, 1.5-year long-term forecast with daily aggregation, and others.

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Anyone have any new information on this?