Xively and CurrentCost Energy Meter

I’d be very interested in the RPi solution if someone gets it working with the current cost bridge. I’m no expert so would need some good guidance to get it working. Hope the clever people get it sussed.

Wrestling with getting this installed.
Since you had a problem with 1.5.2, I installed
When I run /bin/pvoutput.sh I get an error message:
Could not find or load main class org.pvoutput.integration.Controller

(I assume that this is part of the org.pvoutput.integration.jar file which is present in /lib )

The installation instructions don’t specify installation directory so I just put everything under /home/pi/pvoutput

pvoutput.sh uses relative paths, it assumes ./pvoutput.sh is run from the installation directory i.e. /home/pi/pvoutput

Otherwise you can edit pvoutput.sh and replace all instances of …/lib with /home/pi/pvoutput/lib

I don’t understand the situation.
I was running ./bin/pvoutput.sh from /home/pi/pvoutput and it couldn’t find the java file.
However, when I run ./pvoutput.sh from pvoutput/bin, it seems to find everything and start the server.
(Now I have a problem that I get a startup error invalid API key or site ID message and it shuts down. I’m using my site ID and API key and these appear in the log file.)

Yes, it should be run from the bin directory where the pvoutput.sh script is located.

Check that the PVOutput system id and api key is the same as - https://pvoutput.org/help.html#api-getting-started

There are two API keys. One for my account and another within the system. I was using the Xively API key from the system. It works with the API key for the account.

I’m now getting an error: (Seems to be trying to load a i686 version of librxtxSerial.so )

Java HotSpot™ Client VM warning: You have loaded library /home/pi/pvoutput/lib/Linux/i686/librxtxSerial.so which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It’s highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c ', or link it with ‘-z noexecstack’.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/pi/pvoutput/lib/Linux/i686/librxtxSerial.so: /home/pi/pvoutput/lib/Linux/i686/librxtxSerial.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (Possible cause: can’t load IA 32-bit .so on a ARM-bit platform) thrown while loading gnu.io.RXTXCommDriver

Might have to download it using apt-get command as per @chrisstenton post below -

and https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12452#p287206

I managed to apt-get the offending file. It gives a version mismatch on startup but the server seems to be running.
However, it’s not reporting data.
I’ve just about given up trying to debug this Integrated services application. It’s not ready for prime time and I’ve spent too much time trying to get it to work.
I think I’ll go back to my original plan. It should take about 10 lines of Python script to do the same thing.

Of course, I couldn’t just drop it so I dug into the log files and it seems the default configuration (localhost:8888) specified /logs for the location of log file. I changed this to …/logs (since it was started in ./pvoutput/bin and miracle of miracles it seems to be working!
It’s even capturing the temperature data but unfortunately, it’s thinks the reported value is in C so it multiplies by 9/5 to get an unrealistic F value. I’ve tried to change the temperature from C to F on the localhost:8888 page but it just keeps reverting to C when I save.

So it doesn’t add 32 to get the proper F reading?

Good to hear it is working.

In currentcost.ini add / uncomment


This means temperature is recorded in fahrenheit on the device, this converted to C and uploaded. Set your temperature as F in PVOutput account settings to display temperature in F.

Thanks very much. That took care of it.
Between my novice Linux skills and general confusion, this has been a difficult journey but it the result now is that it is working. I really appreciate the PVOutput site and community.


as I’m in the same situation just out of curiosity have you received any further replay from CC?
I’m about to send them email tomorrow when presumably our PV outputs stop reporting.

Here are my notes on getting this running on Raspberry Pi.
I’m not an expert and this involved a fair amount of fiddling and head scratching.
This may be of use to others.

PV Output Integration Service Installation notes:

  • I used a Raspberry Pi 2 B which has wired ethernet port.
  • Install latest Raspbian image (full image)
  • Boot and use raspi-config to enable SSH and change password

I installed the files in /home/pi/pvoutput (subdirectories: bin, conf, data, doc, lib, logs, src)

  • Extract or upload the following directories from the installation -
  • Execute chmod 755 bin/pvoutput.sh

Patch librxtx library
You need to patch the librxtx library with a newer version.
Install Lib:
sudo apt-get install librxtx-java
Copy the file librxtxSerial.so from /usr/lib/jni/
to: /home/pi/pvoutput/lib/Linux/i686/librxtxSerial.so
(or create a symbolic link as in the forum post)
(On startup you will get a version mismatch error but it seems to work anyway.)

API Setup
sudo nano conf\pvoutput.ini and replace the values shown in red below
Request an API key from the pvoutput.org ‘Settings’ menu option
Your System Id is shown in the pvoutput.org ‘Settings’ menu option

CurrentCost Configuration
Open conf\currentcost.ini and replace the port, rate and channels properties with your current cost device settings. (these were OK)
Example 1 - monitor whole house consumption

The install instructions say:
Run bin/pvoutput.sh to start the process. (but this didn’t work… I needed to:
cd ~/pvoutput/bin
./pvoutput.sh (or bash pvoutput.sh)
(sudo nano /etc/rc.local #add these lines to start automatically)

(may need to Alt-F3 to get a new shell)
startx (to start desktop)
localhost:8888 to view config page
change Log file location to …/logs

My CurrentCost meter is in F so I needed to change this:
In currentcost.ini add / uncomment
This means temperature is recorded in fahrenheit on the device, this converted to C and uploaded. Set your temperature as F in PVOutput account settings to display temperature in F.

Reboot system


I approached from another way than MSPOH’s detailed description. It has only taken me 4 days to work out and I’m still not completely setup. QUESTION BELOW. I downloaded the image file


from the lalelunet/measureit web page, copied it to a FAT32 formatted SD card using https://elinux.org/RPi_Easy_SD_Card_Setup#Using_the_Win32DiskImager_program, placed the card in the Rpi and turned it on. This installed Raspian lite without a GUI which I then found on the Web and installed. I then went to my laptop, typed the IP address of my Rpi into the menu bar of my browser, and there, low and behold, I was connected to the measureit web page. I still haven’t connected to pvoutput as I’m waiting for a new serial cable to arrive so that I can connect my Envir to my Raspberry.

The Measureit PVoutput setup asks me to insert my PVoutput API code which I can’t find. How do I find this? When I click on the size of my system below the production graph I only get information as to the sighting, number of panels etc no other setting information is shown.

Click on Settings in the top level menu and it will be toward the bottom - scroll down - you may have to ask for a new key since it hasn’t been used before. Also enable it of course - make sure you save afterwards.

See https://pvoutput.org/help.html#api-getting-started

Can anyone help me with my configuration as I was trying to revert from the bridge to usb and somehow have stuffed up my setup in PVBC and it has now stopped uploading to PV output?

Just wanted to share my positive experiences with Measureit. If anyone is experiencing difficulties uploading CC data to PVO with RPi it is definitely worth to take a look at https://github.com/lalelunet/measureit
Very easy to set up, great user interface, works out of the box. I set it up yesterday, works like a charm.

I have been able to get the configuration for the solar generation working any tips for the consumption / Current Cost usb configuration in PVBC?