OpenWeather: One Call 3.0 API Product Update

Are you using the one call 3.0 api?

Im using 3.0. It didnt work for a day. Started working suddenly. :slight_smile:
I do have Main temp enabled under Weather Device api key
I also remove all extended data entries for temp.

Yes, with subscription

Your mean Donation to pvoutput or Subscription to Openweathermap?

Delete all weather data in pvoutput.
Get a fresh api for open weather
And try again.

Try -

  1. Edit the system and remove the Weather Device, i.e. set it to “None” and Save the system.

  2. Edit the system and setup set Weather Device to “OpenWeatherMap” and Save.

Both, donation and subscription

Done as indicated, but nothing changed, everything as before without the data.

  1. Subscribed to OpenWeather (free subscription).
  2. Did as B-Man suggested.

It worked within 5 minutes.


No way, tried and tried again but it doesn’t work

This morning, the temperature graph started. What I mistakenly changed was uncommented the line in the custom_rules ‘v8’ :grinning:

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the temperature graph has started because Flukso has restarted

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if your talking about the script it doesn’t handle the temperature. so unsure how that or the flukso starting again made the temperature work…

No, it’s not about the script