Good day collective mind,
I have recently donated and started to set up a couple of extended parameters. I’m wondering if there is a reason my v7 and v8 are populating with nonsense data even without any input from myself? I had started to set up a shell command to push cURL data from my sensors within home assistant but the data was wildly inaccurate compared to my actual data and so i turned it off, and yet i am still getting updates every 15 minutes. Am I missing something?
Essentially I was looking to associate v7 with my outflow meter reading and then make the interval data to be the difference of the previous reading. Similar to v7, v8 would be my actual inflow meter reading and i wish to get the 15 min data to show the difference from the last read. As you can see, my production meter seems to be generating overnight (which is ofcourse incorrect) and also goes into negative values. All this and im not currently injecting any live data…