Live Data - Editing

Updating an existing 5-minute data record is now possible by double clicking on a table record.

The existing data will popup -


Depending on the record location energy values have a range restriction based on the value after/before it (energy can only increase). The valid range is shown to the left. If unsure use the ‘Clear’ link to blank them out and energy will be calculated.

Update: Extended data edit functionality has been added


Before I start changing this, would, for instance, changing either the energy consumption or energy generation at a time before the current time automatically update those values going forward or would I have to change each 5 minute interval values?

It only changes the current data point, although clearing the energy and just using power will recalcuate / fix all energy records.

I tried your recommendations and based on the criteria of having energy record changes to be within the range of that particular record (within the current to the succeeding 5 minute record), I decided on changing the most current record as that allows a parameter of >current record and this also satisfy the condition of “energy can only increase”. I cleared the most current record, placed in the numbers I needed on energy consumption/generation, saved it and it show up on the most current live update field. I waited 5 minutes and updated values changed back to a value to as if I had not edited the record.

This means either the update failed to update in the backend due to some validation issue or you’re editing a current date that is being overwritten by the automatic update process / API etc.

The inference is that a current date 5 minute data cannot be edited? and only previous date 5 minute data can be edited?

It may be edited but if there is another process (Auto Uploader, API etc) that automatically updates the same/current data then any changes would be overwritten.