Editing live data

Hello. Could it be possible to make an “Edit live data” option that, when enabled, could make the selected live data line editable ? Also to delete one live data recording (delete the entire day is already available).
Sometimes my system updates wrong values that I want to delete or correct manually but using the HTTP command to delete or using “Add Output” to overwrite is taking a lot of time (and also messes other values but that is another problem).

Thank you,


That would be a great idea.

My hot water recording system sometimes crashes when the power goes off and starts reporting a really high number. i get it to send me an alert if its over 200 and then i manually reboot it to fix it but im stuck with data that is incorrect. i would love to be able to just edit those few results manuallry rather than having to somehow do it in the live loader.

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Changed this to an “idea” for future consideration.

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Linking to https://forum.pvoutput.org/t/deleting-live-data-single-multiple-5-minute-records/7798