Live Data - Delete Single / Multiple 5-minute Records

It is now possible to remove one or more individual 5-minute data records from a live date.

Click on one or more entries in the table to highlight and select ‘Delete’ link to remove them.


Tip - Shift click to select / deselect multiple records at once.

As per existing functionality, when no records are selected, all records will be deleted.

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can this be for extended data too?

Can individual 5 minute data be added to existing live update?

It deletes both standard (v1-v5) and extended data (v6-v12) in the one operation.

Currently data on the extended data table isn’t selectable so it is not possible to remove Extended Data without a corresponding standard data record yet.

Its not possible but may be added as an extension of the editing functionality.

Deleting and editing extended data is now supported.

Switch to the extended data and select records to delete or double click to edit an existing record.

Note that deleting standard data now does not delete extended data and vice versa.

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How do you double click on a phone?

Use the ‘Edit’ link below the graph for now, it will edit the first selected record.

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thanks worked a treat had to fix some extended data.
alot easier than having to do the figures in the live loader

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