Fronius Push

Was n=1 replaced with auto=1? The auto option only works for Net meters.

Thanks - auto=1 has certainly tightened up the Fronius push results - originally I was getting ~4% accuracy - this is more respectable…

I had 32 x 5-minute pushes dropped according to PVOutput during the 24-hour period (by one end or the other) - so that would account for some inaccuracy I assume?

Question please - what push parameter or internal calculation do you use to get the imported kWh?


I’ll give it another go.

Same thing @bankstowbloke, ‘energy used’ has stopped updating in PVOutput (0.533kWh).

Here’s the string I’ve used -

My data for today is at

I’ll leave it set as is so you can take al ook at it.

Seems to have kicked over and started counting now - maybe the counter start from 0 and had to reach what the existing balance was already showing?

@peterharvie - Good to see this is working.

The following parameter / calculation logic is used -

EnergyReal_WAC_Plus_Absolute - (Lifetime Import)
EnergyReal_WAC_Minus_Absolute - (Lifetime Export)

The first push of the day records the above two as the starting point.

Subsequent pushes during the day -

EnergyReal_WAC_Plus_Absolute (Current) - EnergyReal_WAC_Plus_Absolute (Start) = Day Energy Import at that timestamp.

Gross Consumption (Energy v3) = Current Generation (from inverter push) + Day Import - Day Export

From the above energy data we can calculate the average power.

The configuration looks fine, but you need to have replaced n=1 with auto=1. i.e. Fronius smart meter is measuring Net data.

If it is measuring Gross data, then the auto=1 setting won’t work.

@mrgrumpy83 - If the below is your system, then it looks okay -

Yeah that’s me. Was fine yesterday, was just the kickover partway through the day before which held things up for a bit. After reading your explanation on how it calculates this makes total sense.

I’ve entered auto=1 and the Power Used drops to 0 during some periods. I’ve got a battery connected to my system, so this might have some relevance?
Is there a setting I should change or is this a function of the battery?

If the battery affects the following values then the result would be different -

  • EnergyReal_WAC_Plus_Absolute - (Lifetime Import)
  • EnergyReal_WAC_Minus_Absolute - (Lifetime Export)

The generation green line figures also not look correct as this should be the inverter push value.

Hi BB,
I’ve noticed our Fronii are underreporting generation to PVOutput lately.
For example ended the day with 24kWh but solarweb reports 34.48kWh. tells us 34kWh but solarweb sez 37kWh.
We set them up with /service/r2/froniuspost.jsp?sid=your_sid&key=your_key
Has anything changed at your end or is it another feature from Fronius?
John, Positronic

Last change was on 16/Jun that would not have affected inverter readings.

The generation value is taken from DAY_ENERGY.

I refer to system ID36437, Fronius Hybrid with battery.

Something whacky is going on with Fronius Push from my perspective. It seems like about June 27th, ‘Power Generated’ values started to show drops to zero (not related to weather).

The value ‘Power Generated’ seems to depict net consumption.

Perhaps Fronius has stuffed something in a firmware update. Unfortunately I can’t recall the timeline of when firmware updates occured.

I had this as well. Got into contact with fronius. They told me they were having issues with reading values from MPP2 with the 28090 firmware. They rolled my symo inverter back to the previous firmware and the data went back to normal. They also told me their next firmware would solve the issue. That next firmware is now available, 28171.
I haven’t tried that yet, but I will.
There was also an update to the data logger which I’m applying now.

is this issue why my consumed stats are incorrect while i am generating? please see below screenshots. First is my Consumption/generation from solarweb.

/continued in next post… can only upload one photo… :confused:

I have setup the push as per the help guide on this site, and this is how pvoutput plotted the same data

how can i go about getting accurate data from both services?

You will need to use the auto=1 option.

Thanks @bankstownbloke

had to scour the thread to find that you append &auto=1 on the fronius post url, and you have to have a donation account (not sure on this one though)

Was seriously scratching my head until i found that nugget. Ive donated so now its the waiting game. thx for the assist.

ok i have added &auto=1 to the end of the push post url

the data seems a bit better, but i am getting occasional 0 values, and my energy used is no longer getting incremented.