I found your website and I love it! My data is being set by a small logging program using NodeMCU. It counts pulses from my energy production meter. I send both the v1 and v2 paarameters.
It worked fine, but somehow I see today, it does not add into the Energy Generated (all), which first started about 3pm today. The „average“ also dropped to 0 then. I resetted my “logger”, as I thought it could represent the problem, but it sends the data normally, v1 and v2 accordingly.
My PV is https://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?id=74219&sid=65831&dt=20190320&gs=0&m=1
Do you have any information what could be done to repair it, and what the problems seem to be?
Thank yoU!
Ok, I think my logger may have restarted, and the generation then did not match the values up to 14:55, so nothing has been added thereafter.
Do you think there is any chance to make it better? Shall I rewrite the program?