Wind Output portal

Is there an alternative portal like PVOutput for wind as a renewable source?

I plan to setup a wind sensor (using loxone) in my house to start measure and collect wind statistical data so I could decide later on whether a wind turbine will suit.

Portal like this for wind data will be an excellent fit.
If it doesn’t exists… could I use PVOutput portal to store at least value of “wind speed” per each timestamp? If so, what field I could use for this?


You could use one of the extended values v7 to v12 but will require scripting on your part to extract the data from the generator and upload it to PVOutput.

I was using the extended outputs (V7) and use a php/bash script to extract the wind data and upload. Problem was it ended up on the same graph as my second solar array and I did not want that, wanted it separate but can’t figure out how to make it do that.