Weird SolarEdge gap yesterday

Actually saw this happening live, so I know what actually happened (afterwards there’d be no way to figure it out). My production graph shows a 1 hr gap in production from my SolarEdge system. At 8am PDT PVOutput started recording my data at 9am PDT and it did this for an hour. Then when 9am PDT rolled around, the old 9am data (which was really 8am) was overwritten. At the same time the SolarEdge site didn’t show this issue (i.e. it was recording at the right time).

Anyone else see this?

Hmmm, my consumption went to 0 at the same time. Consumption is fed from my Rainforest Eagle. Since two different sources showed the same error, I gotta believe this is on the PVOutput side

The same exact thing happened on my system on 4/1. SolarEdge shows no gap, but PVOutput shows a 45 minute gap from 8:15 am till 9:00 am.

It was 4/1 for me as well

A link would be helpful, but not seeing gaps on 1st April data on either systems.

Here’s my link.

And mine

Thanks - a little odd since the current solaredge data shows data -

Replace (your_solaredge_site_id), (your_inverter) and (your_solaredge_key) with own values.

It may have of been missing at the time of the data being requested.

Quickest way to fix now is to manually upload missing the SolarEdge “totalActivePower” column using the PVOutput Live Loader.

Uncheck all except “Power Generation”.

Also, is there any reason why the system is using a 15-minute interval instead of 5-minutes?

What about mine? I lost both solar and consumption at the same time, so I don’t see how it can be on SolarEdge or RainforestEagle since both dropped out at the same time. Also, I saw it happening in real-time (i.e. I saw the graph go to 0 on PVO and not be 0 on SolarEdge), so it wasn’t a matter of missing data. I saw data being recorded in the future on PVO and at the right time on the SolarEdge site during this dropout

This would be explained by the rainforest being a net feed which relies on the generation data to be available to calculate a gross consumption value.

Thanks for the guidance. I will try this.