I currently have PVoutput - Additional Settings - Weather Station - “Prospect”.
My PVoutput is only showing the lowest temperature for the day and not the highest. Any idea why?
The Prospect station only reports once per day - so the min and max temperature will always be the same.
Use another station http://www.bom.gov.au/nsw/observations/sydneymap.shtml or wunderground live temperatures instead.
ok, thanks. Will change location.
Can I ask how you set up wunderground (have registered) in the pvoutput settings?
Obtain a Wundeground api key from http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api
Then pick a personal weather station to upload 5-minute data to PVOutput
Thanks, I’m waiting for the key to be sorted, but where do I actually put the URL? Which field in the settings?
Ok, got the API key, and I found the WUndergroup area under Automatic Uploads - had to Google it as the help didn’t…help.
Do I just wait to see if it works now? And while I typed this… it updated.