Viewing kW on iPad in landscape


Does anyone know how I can do the above? I have an iPad running the house wall mounted in landscape and want the family to easily see if we are importing or exporting power ( I am using efergy solar).

The PVOutput pro is a great app and does this really well, however it doesn’t work on an iPad in landscape. I can set up an icon to open the pvoutput website, however it shows kWh, I want current kW.

Any suggestions?


In Safari on an iPad displays in Landscape. PVOutput updates the display at timed intervals [user input]. In our case every 15 minutes is the time fraction processed by Enphase our Solar System manufacturer. I guess your question is how current is current in my case current is the last 15 minutes reporting interval which might might get posted by PVOutlook 15-30 minutes after the event. Put another way pvoutput is not a real time processor you will have to look elsewhere if that is the solution which you seek.

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Both kW (power) and kWh (energy) is displayed on the website version.

You can click on Minimise to display the graph only and set the graph width to Fit Width by clicking on Customise.

Efergy updates are every 5-minutes, the 15-minute update is an Enphase limitation.

Hi, thanks for the replies. I will use the website until they update the app to work on the iPad. Thanks

Is there a PVOutput iOS application?

In the US Enphase reports every 5 minutes according to a colleague but they might just be in the process of changing it to 15-min intervals. The 15-min for the time being may just be applicable to Australia and New Zealand versions of MyEnlighten. Enphase appear at the moment to have system work in progress.


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