Variable tariff accounting (Intelligent Octopus)

I’m on a tariff which varies in 30-minute slots throughout the day, depending on time and also whether my EV is charging.

As part of the 5-minute uploads I want to define whether the data is for peak or off-peak usage so that TOU and consumption data is correctly reported.

Has anyone found a way of doing this already?

Use a tariff feed instead, which enables 5-minute tariff updates using Extended Parameters.

Thanks! I can see this is really useful for spot tariffs. The feature is missing in the documentation.

My use case is slightly different as it is the timing of the tariff that changes and I’d still like to report peak and off-peak usage:
Off peak: 23;30 - 05:30 always
Peak: 05:30 - 23:30 unless EV is charging in the 30-minute slot, in which case Off-Peak.

An alternative solution appears to be to sum the data locally and use Add Output to correct the end of day values retrospectively.