URL for a photo

I have tried using a link from box.net for my photo(s). However, none of them contain a .png designation which is necessary for acceptance. This is the link box.net gives me: https://app.box.com/s/tqrut3bwv7bc7menlepfs5r9up8dbpj6
and photobucket gives me: http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/lwsmiser/media/PVPhysicalView2_zpsdgigz75g.png.html?o=0
Neither of these links work.
The file is under 400K in size and less than 2000 pixels wide. Does anyone know the solution to this problem?

Found the solution at photobucket using the “Direct” link. However, have not solved the porblem at box.net.

It needs to be a direct link to the image ending in a valid image extension such as *.png or *.jpg

The box image will forward to their webpage instead.