Hi all,
I wrote a little python script that can poll your Huawei SUN2000 inverter via its WiFi/modbus interface and upload the data to PVOutput:
Hopefully someone finds it useful…
Hi all,
I wrote a little python script that can poll your Huawei SUN2000 inverter via its WiFi/modbus interface and upload the data to PVOutput:
Hopefully someone finds it useful…
I have made a script with Chatgpt,
— maybe this wil work to –
import requests
import datetime
from huawei_solar import HuaweiSolar
# Initialize HuaweiSolar instance
c = HuaweiSolar(host=“”, port=6607)
except Exception as e:
print(“Error initializing HuaweiSolar:”, str(e))
apikey = “YourAPI” # Vervang met je API-sleutel
system_id = “Yoursystem_id” # Vervang met je System ID
current_timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
current_date = current_timestamp.strftime(’%Y%m%d’)
current_time = current_timestamp.strftime(’%H:%M’)
input_power = c.get(“input_power”)[0]
grid_voltage = c.get(“grid_voltage”)[0]
internal_temperature = c.get(“internal_temperature”)[0]
daily_yield_energy = c.get(“daily_yield_energy”)[0]
# Convert daily_yield_energy from kWh to Wh
daily_yield_wh = daily_yield_energy * 1000
# Formatteer de data voor PVOutput
data = {
"d": current_date, # Datum in YYYYMMDD
"t": current_time, # Tijd in HH:MM
"v1": int(daily_yield_wh), # Dagopbrengst in Wh
"v2": int(input_power), # Huidige productie in Watt
"v5": float(internal_temperature), # Interne temperatuur (optioneel)
"v6": float(grid_voltage) # Netspanning (optioneel)
# Headers voor authenticatie
headers = {
"X-Pvoutput-Apikey": apikey,
"X-Pvoutput-SystemId": system_id
# Upload de data naar PVOutput
response = requests.post("https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp", headers=headers, data=data)
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Data succesvol geupload naar PVOutput.")
print(f"Fout bij het uploaden naar PVOutput: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
except Exception as e:
print("Fout bij het verbinden met PVOutput:", str(e))
except Exception as e:
print(“Error retrieving data from HuaweiSolar:”, str(e))
print(“Data die naar PVOutput wordt geupload:”, data)
print(“Response van PVOutput:”, response.status_code, response.text)