Tesla Powerwall 3 to PVOutput

I just got my PW3 commissioned and naively thought I would be able to use PVOutput Integration Service to get my data to PVOutput, but after trying to connect to the local API, seems its not supported.
Alls I can get out of it is:
404 page not found
{“code”:403,“error”:“Unable to GET to resource”,“message”:“User does not have adequate access rights”}
I cannot find a login endpoint let alone any data.

Anyone figured this out yet?

For anyone finding this and wanting to know more, PW3 uses tedapi
I was able to get my DIN by first setting up a route via:
route -p add mask 192.168.XX.XX
where the second IP is the powerwall on your network, from then on you can access the TEDAPI on the IP
You can then run this to get your DIN
curl -k -u Tesla_Energy_Device:GWPWD
where GWPWD is the password written on the inside of you powerwall near a QR code and SSID
From here all data is available via the URL

the request content and response is binary protocol buffers and alls I could get was 400 Bad Request, I didnt feel like learning protobuf today, so I have stopped here.

Best resource was GitHub - jasonacox/pypowerwall: Python API for Tesla Powerwall and Solar Power Data

I was able to write own service sending data from NetZero API to PVOutput.
Just generation and consumption data for now.

V1.1 of my service now does extended data for battery SOC and flow rekPowerWall3 15.200kW