Temperature working with Free but not with donated status

I have not been able to get my temperature graphs to work - i’ve never been able to work out why and I thought it was my weather underground setup - however today I found something
I have a donation account - however I let it expire as I was away and just re-donated today.
My surprise is that during the period of my non-donated status the temperature settings I had setup worked and I now have temperature data for the period of non-donation status. I have not changed anything except made a domaintion and now the temperature data is no longer being recorded

My system Id is 49924
I have a Fronius Invertor with push setup
“Solar API v1 - Current Data Invertor”
an Eagle with Push setup
and my temperature was setup using a close-by Weather station
IVICTORI581 with Temperature data sent to “Extended Data V12”

So to me the first two are not setup to upload temperature - so I’m not sure why the temperature one has stopped working due to my change in Donation status
One final weirdness is my donation status expired on the 22/12/18 at around 1:00pm however the temperature data seems to have uploaded for the entire day

Can anyone advise what I have wrong?

This setting actually moves the temperature from the standard graph (v5) to the extended parameter (v12).

When the donation status elapsed the temperature moved from v12 to v5.

Ah - I think I should of left it on MAIN - which means it sets to to v5


It appears to be correct now - with todays temperature now plotted correctly


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