Temperature Displaying

Seems strange but my system is showing the Inverters temperature as prefered and sometimes the weather temperature without making any changes to the profile setup.
I have tried to adjust setting a few time but the system does not respond no matter what I do to the setup.

Can anyone help?

Hi Tony are you using the Extended Data for your weather and inverter temp as i see your system is not displaying average power Or weather data for weather and extended data for the inverter temp, i see your system resets itself a night so it shows yesterdays temp from the inverter and not weather data, a quick check to see if this is happening is to delete your weather app and see if pvorg then displays correct inverter data and the average power line as well, you may have more than one fault in the why your system is reporting to pvorg.

Upload an additional 6 data live streams using parameters v7 to v12 in the Add Status and Add Batch Status services. See Extended Data for more information.

Ensure that the solaredge temperature setting is disabled.

Thanks guys
I have disabled the temp on the primary solaredge device however do I do the same of the secondary device ? Also I have deleted the weather station so I hope tomorrow it will showing only the inverter temperature … will report back soon.

A little lost how to setup the V7 to V12 but lets hope what I have done it works … thanks for your help to all

When I disable the solaredge temp the temp is not displayed at all this is after I removed the weather station which I am not recording… something is not right still so I believe to display the inverters temp the active display setting must be enabled…

Tony, your inverter is showing inverter temp ok on my screen up to 48c at 1.40 pm today, yes you are right about enabling the inverter temp for it to show. you have no extended data showing at this end,
when your extended data is working it shows another box next to the black boxes below and when you click on it extended data appears on your screen, also i see your fan is not working yet ?? perhaps a 30 deg C cut in temp would be good,this would limit your max temp to about mid 40 s c better for the inverters long term reliability.
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The topic description was not clear which temperature you wanted.

  • To use weather temperature then disable the solaredge temperature as per the above setting.
  • To use inverter temperature then remove the weather station details.

Yes thanks …that’s correct and I have now fixed that…