Tariff's not Working Correctly

I can’t get tariff’s to work for some reason. No matter what I do I get:

Peak Export: $0.001/kWh
Peak Import: $0.002/kWh
Service Charge: $0.01 per day

Screenshots of my settings can be found at:

Any advice would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: Problem solved, I had to set ‘Use Tariff Plans’ to Disabled in order for the tariffs to display correctly.

I’m having problems with my latest TOU tariff, but previously it seemed to work, or I had noticed before.

I have solar panels and lucky to have an incredible Feed In Tariff, added to this I hd Tesla Powerwall 2 and litterall last week had another Powerwall 2 installed.
Previously the one PW2 supported 70% of my normal household load but I wanted to add another to cover 100%.

I believe that I’ve added in the TOU rates, as I’m using a peak/Offpeak rate to charge both powerwalls and top up with my solar, but it seems that the TOU isn’t being properly interpreted.

My offpeak energy period is from 23:30 —> 05:30 but it looks like the PVOutput costs seem to say that (I’m assuming) prior to midnight are being interpreted as peak.
As my offpeak period goes from one day to another should I define periods differently?

I’m expecting 100% Offpeak energy usage, as both my powerwalls, once filled are supporting all my household and EV load, but it’s showing otherwise?

Attached are reference screenshots.

The time period setting look fine. Anything outside the peak/shoulder period is considered off-peak.

Data for 1st October shows import occurring during the peak period - click on the graph to show the peak period shade/overlay - and switch to ‘Net View’.