System Size calculation


Currently the system size is calculated as the total sum of the capacity of all attached solar panels on the inverter. This system size is used for different calculations on pvoutput, like efficiency and performance.

There is something called under dimensioning (at least they called it that in the Netherlands), where your inverter has less capacity than the total capacity of the installed panels (in my case 3000 vs 4000). Reason to do this would be the fact that a lower capacity inverter would start to invert sooner in comparison with a higher capacity inverter (ie a higher capacity inverter needs more light to start inverting). With cloudy days (llike we have in the Netherlands) it is said this can be an advantage (more energy converted).

Wether or not the above is true, my question is about calculating the stuff like efficiency, performance or normalised output. Shouldn’t those kind of calculations use the inverter capacity instead of total panel capacity?


It is also possible to have less panels than inverter capacity. Using panel size keeps things consistent across all systems for comparison purposes.

There are no plans to make inverter size for calculations.