Hi BB, as discussed on WP, it’d be great if there was a nice migration option for folks who spent a substantial amount of time monitoring their power consumption via PVO while building a “business case” for Solar, and then finally getting Solar Installed.
eg I have ~1,600 days consumption recorded prior to getting my solar system installed - as a result my efficiency ratings and rankings after getting my solar system are very poor.
If PVO could provide an option to only calculate solar system efficiency ratings and rankings from the solar install date, it would solve this issue. You could even have some logic to stop ppl gaming the rankings by checking that there is a contiguous period of 0W generated AND continuous consumption data exists for say a minimum of 1 month?
I’d be very surprised if I was the only PVO user that capture my energy usage for a reasonable period of time before getting solar installed. This would save folk from having to “build” a new system in PVO once they got solar installed.