I have for 10yrs been using eco-eye to gather data from my solar inverter, the usb data was fed to a Rasperry Pi with a python script which uploaded to my PVOutput By the seaside 2.940kW | Weekly
But as I have little idea how the headless Pi works its magic when it stops working as in the last few days I am lost.
I would like instead to send my Solis inverter data ( I have the required API codes) to my PVOutput account by the simplest means possible.
My PC is on 24/7 at least in sleep mode when I’m not using it, can I have a small program set up on it to do this task? I will if its needed re-task my Pi model B to do the job, though that would entail getting a hdmi screen set up as I cannot see what its doing right now.
I did find this while browsing for a solution, could I run something like this on a USB stick or my PC or maybe the Pi?
I dont program and at my age I doubt I have the time to learn, so simple is good for me Please.