Solis cloud to send data to PVOutput How?

I have for 10yrs been using eco-eye to gather data from my solar inverter, the usb data was fed to a Rasperry Pi with a python script which uploaded to my PVOutput By the seaside 2.940kW | Weekly

But as I have little idea how the headless Pi works its magic when it stops working as in the last few days I am lost.

I would like instead to send my Solis inverter data ( I have the required API codes) to my PVOutput account by the simplest means possible.

My PC is on 24/7 at least in sleep mode when I’m not using it, can I have a small program set up on it to do this task? I will if its needed re-task my Pi model B to do the job, though that would entail getting a hdmi screen set up as I cannot see what its doing right now.

I did find this while browsing for a solution, could I run something like this on a USB stick or my PC or maybe the Pi?
I dont program and at my age I doubt I have the time to learn, so simple is good for me :slight_smile: Please.

can you just reboot your pi and it might start working again?
I run a headless PI and just connect in via winscp and putty this gives me folder system access to edit the files easily and terminal to run and test stuff. no need for a screen.
just needs to connect via ssh

Thanks for the reply, I have in fact got my Pi putting data on PVOutput again.
I changed the RS232 cable which seems to have been faulty and re imaged the sd card as I thought it may have become corrupted.
I did in fact also find the developer had made the Pi output available via the web address, I had in the many years its run correctly forgotten this and have now made notes for my old brain to muse should the need arise again.