SolarEdge hostname on LAN?

This is slightly OT because it’s not strictly related to current pvoutput logging mechanisms, so I hope it’s ok. For a related project, I’m trying to figure out how to quickly find a SolarEdge inverter on the LAN.
For those of you with a SolarEdge inverter on the LAN via WiFi or ethernet (not the zigbee gateway) can you tell me what hostname it requests from the DHCP server, if any? This would probably show up in your router’s active clients list, or similar. The MAC ID probably starts with 00:27:
I’d be eternally grateful if you could provide the hostname you see along w/ the inverter model and ideally, the firmware revision.

so Eric are you looking to make something like the Fronius dataloger finder ,? for Solaredge inverters,
it works by finding the invertes wifi single and then its easy to find the mac key etc as it displays it on the screen,would be intresting to see if it would find a solarede inverter with the wifi turned on ? as i think it just uses json code, do they have a port to plug in a remote one ? for set up use perhaps.

I personally would never give out my inverters IP address or mac name as its giving a link to shut down or mess with my inverter to someone else i do not no,Jim

I’m not sure - I’m not familiar with the “Fronius datalogger finder” :slight_smile:
(edit: oh, yeah, I guess something like that)

As for detecting via WiFi, not all solaredge inverters even use WiFi…

About the best I can do for you is that my MAC address starts with 00:40:9D. Which is a Digiboard, Inc address.
I ran NMAP against it and nothing of interest was reported.
No hostname, no ports open in the first 1024.
My inverter is a SolarEdge SE6000H connected via WiFi.

Thanks - nothing in your router logs about a hostname request? Bummer. this makes it hard to find …

Hello @sandeen

Maybe this can solve you ip search?


If you can do a broadcast PING on your local network ( LAN ) and then consult the ARP table of that computer you should be able to find it.

The mechanism for performing a broadcast PING varies depending on the operating system that you are using.

In my case ‘ping -b’. N.B. the broadcast address that you must use will depend very much on your LAN’s network address and the sub-net mask you’ve set.

Once the broadcast PING has succeeded you can display the contents of the ARP table using the ‘arp’ command. This will list the MAC addresses all HOSTS known to that computer. In my case I can see my Fronius Inverter cc:f9:57:XX:YY:ZZ

The syntax for PING and ARP vary slightly between: Windows, MacOS and Linux.

On Windows I don’t think that there is an option to perform a broadcast PING. An alternative is to try an ping every potential host on your network e.g. ->

The following code will attempt to ping every host on a network. To speed things up ‘-n 1’ means only ping each host once. ‘-w 100’ means wait for 100ms after a ping. If you have a ‘noisy’ network 100ms may be too short.

for /L %i in (1,1,254) do ping 192.168.1.%i -n 1 -w 100

Once all the hosts have been pinged ( or not ) running ‘arp -a’ on Windows will display all of the MAC addresses.

N.B. All of the above assume that the Inverter is on the LAN and has an IP address. The beauty of this approach is that it does not rely upon any particular type of router and whether or not the Inverter is using DHCP to obtain its address in the first place.

I have an SE60000 and its wired connection uses the very non-descriptive hostname of “target”. The wifi connection doesn’t set a hostname at all, so all I see is the MAC.

I have a SE4000HD here, CPU version 4.5.41, connected to ethernet (no WIFI). The router shows no hostname, and the MAC starts with 88:A9:A7. nmap reports

Host is up (0.0042s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed ports
80/tcp open http
8080/tcp open http-proxy

One way to find it might be to issue a ‘curl’ command to every ip address, and check the returned page for the ‘Inverter SetApp’ title? Of course that works only for recent inverters.