Solaredege using Eagle rainforest-wattsvision-pvoutput

Hi I recently hooked up my rainforest eagle 200 to wattsvision then to pvoutput. I noticed I don’t get IMPORT data ,and I don’t get temperature and voltage data. Is there something extra I have to do to get IMPORT data and also Temperature and voltage. I am using Solaredge as my inverter

The Wattvision API only makes available consumption data. Temperature and voltage is not available.

How did you get the -200 connected to WattVision?

I had an EAGLE which died and I replaced it with the EAGLE-200 and I cannot for the life of me figure out what needs to be done. The web interface when connected to the device is totally different and doesn’t match the Watt Wattvision Instructions. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


I had to contact Rainforest support to have THEM connect my EAGLE-200 to Wattvision. Once that’s done, it’s a simple matter of configuring PVOutput to collect the data from Wattvision–works very well. You should set up an account with Wattvision first, before contacting Rainforest support.

I have them pushing the data directly to PVOutput but we have TimeZone issues. Hopefully I have it figured out now but it’s frustrating that it’s not user configurable at this stage.