Solar Edge Consumption Data

I have successfully setup my SolarEdge Energy Hub SE5000H inverter to push data to PVOUTPUT. However, I only see generation data not the consumption data.
Is there any specific setting to push and enable consumption to be displayed on PVOUTPUT website.


Ik zit met het zelfde!

First confirm that consumption data is available for the SolarEdge using the request -[solaredge_site_id]/powerDetails.json?api_key=[solaredge_api_key]&meters=CONSUMPTION&startTime=2022-12-27%2000:00:00&endTime=2022-12-28%2000:00:00

  • Replace [solaredge_site_id] and [solaredge_api_key]

If the above contains data then on the PVOutput system setup a secondary device for SolarEdge and use the “Consumption” direction.


This option requires an active donation account.

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