Sma - raspberry pi uploads stopped working

Looking for help now that my uploads have stopped working since 24 Sept 2023.
I know the subscription model has been introduced but thought that my basic use of PVoutput would not be affected.
It has been working fine since 2017.
My worry is that, should I donate 15$ AUS, will my uploads be fixed or is it another problem my end?

Some more info please…
What software do you use?

Thank you for your reply SBF. The software is SMAspot - 2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img
I used puTTy to install the software and can still access the pi to reboot when it occasionally glitches. It’s so long ago I cannot remember how I did it but as you can see I had quite a bit of help from this community!

Well, that´s indeed pretty old. I think it´s the right moment to abandon wheezy and upgrade to the latest raspbian. Then upgrade to latest SBFspot

Thanks SBF. I won’t have time to do the upgrades for a few weeks. In the meantime I will try my backup sd card. Does anybody out there think that the fact I have not donated has any bearing on the uploading failure?

No, donation status is not the problem.
See wiki for some troubleshooting tips No uploads to · SBFspot/SBFspot Wiki · GitHub
Also, run SBFspot or SMAspot with -? argument to see the version

A donation won’t fix the problem.

Review the upload logs and post them here.

Thank you for your suggestion bankstownbloke. I will do what you suggest in a week or so as I cannot do it now!

I have now had a chance to look at this problem again. Found back up sd card and another raspberry Pi! Tried various combinations of everything including a new bluetooth dongle. I have left original Pi as it was now and will proceed with updating the backup Pi and sd card. I have attached a couple of screenshots of existing situation. My SMA Beam-BT-11 is working fine btw. It uses the SMA inverter bluetooth connection which should therefore eliminate the Sunny Boy from the equation.

pi log 21-10-2023



“Well, that´s indeed pretty old. I think it´s the right moment to abandon wheezy and upgrade to the latest raspbian. Then upgrade to latest SBFspot”.
Absolutely correct. My PV_output is now working perfectly having followed SBF’s advice.
Complete upgrade of Raspbian & latest version of SBFspot to new sd card in Rapberry Pi B. Now to do the same to the original Pi and sd card for backup.
So many thanks to SBF and this community, also the Pi forum. The set up is so much easier than it was back in 2013. I almost enjoyed the process!

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