Sense Energy Monitor to PVOutput?

My Rainforest Eagle-200 has been very unreliable with lots of missed readings lately. This is the 2nd unit I’ve had and it just seems to be getting worse. This one is only 9 months old.

I purchased a Sense Energy Monitor for another property that I own and so far it’s been pretty good. Does anyone know if it is possible to grab data from that and post it to PVOutput?

I use a derivation of this ported to Qt/C++ and post to my PVoutput data:

Sense’s historical data is at least 15 minutes delayed and heavily averaged.

I’m really disappointed with Eagle-200 lately as the Cloud data has been offline for ~4 days in a row now. Then 4 days before that a 2 day outage. Then 2 days before that a 2 day outage. Today, I just switched my data uploading to the Eagle’s local-api and the data is otherwise reading fine off the meter …

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I opened a ticket with Rainforest for the zero readings that pop up several times a day. They blame wifi drops but have apparently changed a setting…

"I have changed the upload configuration for PVOuput to save packets if the EAGLE loses connection and then upload them later. "

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FYI, after 9 days straight of inconsistent to non-existent Cloud uploads, I queried CS.

Many more days later, they came back that my Eagle was DNS-timing out trying to access Cloud – I’d previously power-cycled the Eagle to resolve.

Now, I changed the DNS settings on my router from CloudFlare back to my ISP’s and the Eagle started uploading again. I changed DNS back to CloudFlare and could not get the problem to repeat. :man_shrugging:

The setting change they made didn’t resolve anything so they’re now doing some intensive logging to get to the bottom of the issue I’m seeing.

In case anyone else still wants this, I have a simple script to do it. You can ignore the large project as this script is standalone.

I have raspberrypi showing LEDs and a cron runs this every 5 minutes.

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I also wrote a script to backload missing sense data, if anyone wants that let me know.