Hi, I’m using a raspberry Pi now for a very long time with SBFSpot to read my data from the SMA inverter.
But yesterday, I received a message: Idle for more then 15 minutes. When I got home restarted the Pi but not much happening. I connected a screen and restarted again. But ik does not seem to boot. It is an older Raspberry Pi with a SD slot not a Micro SD. With a cardreader on my Mac mini I can read the SD card. So, can I conclude that the problem is not the SD card?
Next I wanted to clone the SD card 8GB to a 16GB micro SD card to fit in a newer Raspberry Pi. But did not succeed with that. Somebody an Idea how to do that on a Mac mini?
Or is it easier/quicker to make a new Micro SD card and start with the newer Raspberry pi?
Please help!
Best regards,