ROI Calculator

Hi all,

I have a question regarding the ROI caculator. My “Average Energy Savings” is 0.00. Is this correct? When I look at my system I can clearly see that I’m saving energy every day, but it’s not pre-filling this field. This is throwing my caculations out and showing that it’s going to pay for itself in more than 12 years.

Am I doing something wrong?

Its based on the existing data recorded for the system so far.

The calculation is (average generation - average export) * tariff.

If this is 0 then it either means average export is equal to average generation, usually the case for Gross models.

Or the tariff rate is 0c

Hmm, well average generation is around 25kWh/day, and consumption is around 13kWh/day, so that can’t result in an equal result, so it must be the tariff rate.

This is my ROI page.

In the edit tariff screen, I have both Export and Import models set to Net. I’m on a peak only tariff, so only have Import Peak with my rate and service charge and my export tariff in Export Peak.

My Edit Tariff page. Maybe I’ve got something wrong in here.

I am not sure how the assets depreciation percentage is applied. For a domestic installation ATO there would be no depreciation entitlement as an offset to taxable income. If there was an ATO depreciation entitlement then it would be 25% PA Straight Line and 30% Depreciating Value. My interpretation of the input narrative it might be depreciating value 30%. I am not sure that the ROI calculator provides a one size fits all solution.

You are right, this has incorrectly picked up your system as Gross instead of Net. This has been fixed and there should now be a positive value for Average Energy Savings

Thanks mate. Glad I wasn’t doing something silly though. It now works and is showing 5 years and 6 months to pay off. That’s not too bad based on the 2 weeks of data since I’ve had the system.

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