Rainforest Eagle User - Need HELP

I am not a programmer or computer guru. I have a Rainforest Eagle Legacy unit and simply want to use the data from my meter in a software that is designed to present the data in some useful chart/graphs or tables. Rainforest customer support listed Wattvision and PVOutput as the two companies compatible with the Eagle. I have the eagle connected to my meter and everything is working. I cannot find the cloud URL for PVOutput to be able to have the unit send data. Is my issue that I need the new Eagle-200 unit for transmission through API (I am not sure of what API even is)? Any suggestions or even leads to a known software that is designed to compile meter data would be awesome. Thanks PV community.


You would need to configure Eagle Push to send data to PVOutput directly from the device -

Replace the URL with the PVOutput one described in -

i.e. https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/eaglepost.jsp?sid=your_system_id&key=your_api_key

Obtaining the PVOutput sid and key -