When viewing the production on a monthly basis is it possible to show the same month of year for previous years? If not consider this a suggestion. The chart would have the twelve months along the horizontal axis and each year would show up as a different coloured bar. The vertical axis would be energy produced in kWh or MWh.
That’s pretty good but not exactly what I was looking for:
- I would like be be able to see more than this year and last year. It would be great to see up to five years or so.
- The horizontal axis for me starts in Aug 2015 which is when my system was turned on. Ideally it would just show the 12 months Jan-Dec with the column/bar graphs for each year. If you change the X-axis data range I can’t determine you use to customize thiss.
Comparing the same month over multiple years isn’t supported. You can try adding a poll to see if other users want this feature also.