PVOutput update instructions for Enphase new API

My Enphase system is not being updated by PVoutput. I gather from a browse on this site that Enphase have upgraded their API–but Enphase of course didn’t tell me.

Can someone point me to some idiot-level instructions on what I have to do to regain access to the data via the PVoutput web site and mobile applications please? I can see nothing obvious on the Enphase site.


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Change your API to V4 and ‘Authorise’. I’ve just done mine after ignoring the alerts since 2022 !!!

Thanks very much. Very helpful. PVoutput certainly bury that screen don’t they, hardly intuitive.

When I authorise it, the first time it failed, but the second time it was successful, but it still doesn’t seem to make a difference. What do I do with the code that comes back from the authorisation?

nstrudwick Same here. V4 was already entered in on PVOUTPUT and Enphase showed that it was linked to PVOUTPUT as well. The first authorise attempt FAILED but the second authorise showed SUCCESSFUL. A few minutes later I saw updated data in PVOUTPUT…don’t recall getting a code back.

If you’re a Positronic customer you will have received an email from Tom.
Here is a link to the instructions we’ve developed: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xnmthycjzg0p165pugyc3/PVOuptput-V4-Instructions.pdf?rlkey=eiqh68dru86o31z2cd4j64pp6&st=x16onp3d&dl=0

It seems to have started OK now, so ignore my request. Thanks…

I did actually not realise that there is a save button at the bottom of the screen which maybe why it didn’t work the first time. OK now though.