I sent my values from homeassistant with the following script:
*'curl -d “d={{now().strftime(”%Y%m%d")}}" -d “t={{now().strftime(”%H:%M")}}" -d “v1={{((states.sensor.sma_energy_production_daily.state|float)*1000)|round(0)}}” -d “v2={{states.sensor.sma_ac_power.state|round(0)}}” -d "v3={{((states.sensor.consumptie_energie_huidige_dag.state|float)1000)|round(0)}}" -d “v4={{states.sensor.consumptie_vermogen_totaal.state|round(0)}}” -d “v5={{states.sensor.buiten_temperatuur.state|round(1)}}” -d “v6={{states.sensor.shelly_meterkast_energy_voltage.state|round(1)}}” -d “v7={{states.sensor.buienradar_irradiance.state|round(3)}}” -d “v9={{states.sensor.sma_temperature.state|round(1)}}” -d “c1=0” -H “X-Pvoutput-Apikey: xxxx” -H “X-Pvoutput-SystemId: 12345” https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp’
This translates to:
‘curl -d “d=20230527” -d “t=09:39” -d “v1=1579” -d “v2=1235” -d “v3=13317” -d “v4=1319” -d “v5=14.8” -d “v6=234.6” -d “v7=442.0” -d “v9=23.8” -d “c1=0” -H “X-Pvoutput-Apikey: xxxxxxxx” -H “X-Pvoutput-SystemId: 12345” https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp’
The script is executed every 4 minutes.
For the value v3 which should be energy used is already a value of 31044 since midnight in pvoutput’s database, so the lower value of 13317 wil not be shown. I have no idea where this initial value comes from. It’s not the last value of the previous day, it seems random. My values in homeassistant are reset to zero every midnight therefor I have c1=0.
It worked perfectly until 21-5-2023 and didn’t change any configuration.
My graph look like this:
From the previous day, it looks like this:
Does anyone recognise this behaviour? Is it a bug? Misconfiguration?