PVoutput Not Recording

Had a problem which I thought had been resolved whereby the date moves forward by one day at mid day. This is not the first time this has happened. The sunyboy explorer is working as it should, pvoutput is all correctly set up so I can only conclude this is a software issue but I’m no expert so any help would be appreciated

If you’re in the UK it will - as it does for me. That is because PVoutput is an Australian site, so I assume it works in Oz time. But with (IIRC) 3 time zones, take your pick which one…

yes i’m from the UK and have been using PVOutput for many years without a problem. it’s only become an issue in the last month past, jumping 12 hours forward.it came back to life 2 weeks ago which lasted 2 days and this my reasoning for suggesting a software issue

still have this continuing problem with PVO where nothing is recorded because there is a time zone issue. As previously reported the date moves forward at 1pm uk time. Have tried to adjust both backward and forward time zones to no avail

The software should log what is being uploaded and any errors being reported should provide some clues.

Unfortunately I am no software expert could you give me an idea of what I should be looking for and where

Sunny explorer is the SMA software, this only records the inverter data. There is a separate software script which uploads this data to PVOutput which is causing the problem.

Many thanks for responding I have been using Sunny Exlporer with Pvoutput successfully for about 12 years without the need to download additional software. Have searched and found nothing that would overcome my problem . I am not a an expert in software so is there a chance you could look at my system
TFGB ID 4941

If you were talking about the .sx2 file then yes it has been created and can be seen in PVO as passing all tests

That is strange because SMA Sunny Explorer doesn’t support uploads to PVOutput, it just reads data from the SMA inverter and stores it locally, there is another process / program that picks up this data and performs the upload.