Hello! Has anybody experienced then problem where for part of day data uploads do not record “energy” field (but all other fields are recorded). And then suddenly it starts working again. I’m using PVOutput for four years and this problems started just now. Upload script is the same and I have made no changes to it. For example today (now) energy is zero. Yesterday it was working normally. Day before that started working normally afternoon.
Typical upload is like this (and has been always):
{‘d’: ‘20240607’, ‘t’: ‘12:04’, ‘v1’: 6640, ‘v2’: 2460, ‘v3’: 7170, ‘v4’: 360, ‘v6’: 53.3, ‘v7’: 4, ‘v8’: 39, ‘v9’: 3, ‘v10’: 0, ‘c1’: 1}
Thanks and greetings!