PVOuput Widget for iOS

Hi :slight_smile:

If someone wants to use an iOS widget that shows data from pvoutput.org, then it’s ready. This is the first version, it doesn’t have everything I want it to be yet :slight_smile:
Currently the widget displays the data:

  • daily electricity production (graph),

  • production history from the last days,

  • system status - current production, in a month and in a year,

  • the current efficiency of the PV system,

  • daily, monthly, annual and since the beginning of operation financial profit,

  • profit for the natural environment (no CO2 emissions).

You can configure which data will be displayed.

A host application is associated with the widget. APIKey and SystemID are configured in this application.

If you get the error “Forbidden 403: Exceeded 60 requests per hour” - change (increase) the time between readings from the server (you can choose 10,15,30,60 minutes)

App in AppStore:
PVOutout Widget

If you have any ideas about what else to show, please write :slight_smile:

Enjoy :slight_smile:



Thank you!

A great idea and really nicely done! I have been using the pvoutput app for years, but a widget is great too! I downloaded it, configured and it is working wonderfully!

Thanks for your work!

Just downloaded it but once I have input me login data and preferences and received the successfully connected message there is no way to exit that screen and get to the data, have even tried killing widget and rebooting

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after this step , please add widget from Home Screen.
Read short manual here:



I have written to you, but you seemingly did not receive my email?

Great would be the widget to show extended data too (I have few temperatures to be shown)


Does this work on the phone or watch? I cannot get it working on the phone.

I try to use this app on my iphone but don’t work. The connection it’s succes but i don’t know how to use this widget to show value o inverter

@maciejgulda Similarly as for @metrix I was able to get the app to connect, but it’s not in the list of available widgets so can’t add it on the home page.

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Very nice, works great here on the iPad :+1:

Similar issue - connects successfully in app UI with PVOutput info, but does not show widget anywhere to add (have tried cycling languages, restarting phone, cycling offload and reinstall). Would love to use this! Let me know. Thanks.

Similar issue.
Connection ok, but no possibility to add as widget !!!
Thanks for your help
Best regards