PVOUPUT does not record my data

hi i need help with

User ID = 74647 My Classic Monitor upload data for The MidNite Classic 150 stopped showing/updating on daily charts.
The last update was on 10/31/22. I am entering them manually but I can’t get the MIDNITE loader to do it

I get a message that the data was sent to PVOuput (using the ClassicMonitor application), but I have no way of verifying that it has actually been sent. Is there a port I need to open?

Could you please help me confirm an upload attempt from my device if your logs are available for this?

I’ve had it just working for a long time

I would appreciate your guidance.
Thank you very much,
Manuel Climent

There hasn’t been any recent activity registered for this system.

  1. Test that your PVOutput API key is still valid and working.
  2. Check if this device records any detailed logs locally, it may be a data issue and was not accepted.
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