I was trying to download daily solar energy generation from some solar plants (their IDs are 2373, 3281, 2384 etc). But I was showing empty table. I followed the following code to get one month data as suggested in this 8th cell of python notebook,
SYSTEM_ID = 2373 #Set the plant id
for i in range(31):
DATE = date(2022, 1, i+1)
status = pv.get_status(SYSTEM_ID, date=DATE)
if i == 0:
df = status
if i != 1:
df = [df, status]
df = pd.concat(df)
The table df shows only the names of the columns without any rows. The column names were
date, time, cumulative_energy_gen_Wh, energy_efficiency_kWh_per_kW, instantaneous_power_gen_W, average_power_gen_W, power_gen_normalised, energy_consumption_Wh, power_demand_W, temperature_C, voltage.
I have downloaded such data two months earlier from other plants (their Ids are 31601, 3368, 46834 etc). I can still download those plants recent complete data again using the same code. But I can’t understand why other plants data (IDs are 2373, 3281, 2384 etc) returns void table. Can anyone suggest please, what is the issue here?