Problem to download some new plant data

I was trying to download daily solar energy generation from some solar plants (their IDs are 2373, 3281, 2384 etc). But I was showing empty table. I followed the following code to get one month data as suggested in this 8th cell of python notebook,

SYSTEM_ID = 2373 #Set the plant id
for i in range(31):
  DATE = date(2022, 1, i+1)
  status = pv.get_status(SYSTEM_ID, date=DATE)
  if i == 0:
    df = status
  if i != 1:
    df = [df, status]
    df = pd.concat(df)

The table df shows only the names of the columns without any rows. The column names were

date, time, cumulative_energy_gen_Wh, energy_efficiency_kWh_per_kW, instantaneous_power_gen_W, average_power_gen_W, power_gen_normalised, energy_consumption_Wh, power_demand_W, temperature_C, voltage.

I have downloaded such data two months earlier from other plants (their Ids are 31601, 3368, 46834 etc). I can still download those plants recent complete data again using the same code. But I can’t understand why other plants data (IDs are 2373, 3281, 2384 etc) returns void table. Can anyone suggest please, what is the issue here?

How is that script downloading data? Using the API?

Yes, every time inside the loop an API request is made for one day time series data at a given plant. Here the for loop concatenates one month data. I got that code from the 8th cell of this python notebook. Here pv is the pvoutput class (second cell of the notebook) which takes input as user system id and api key. It was a paid service and we have paid to access this data.

None of the systems 2373, 3281 and 2384 listed have posted any data.

So this does not look like an API problem.

Sorry, I had seen another digits (which was not system id). I forget that it is at the end of pagelink of the site.