Not finding new replacement inverter

I had a failure of a SMA SB 2500HFUS-30 that I just replaced with the same model, just a different serial number.

I have another SMA SB5000US inverter in the plant. Both upload through a SMA Webbox with Bluetooth device. I use the SMA FTP uploader service in the Webbox to push to

Now I only see the data from the SB5000US inverter at Both the Webbox itself and Sunny Portal see both inverters and show the correct data for each of them.

Why is the new inverter not showing its data at

PVOutput will pickup the first power reading from the webbox identified by with the following suffixes in the following order.

  • :pac” e.g. WRTP2S75:20000001:Pac
  • :gridms.totw” - with ‘webox’ in the key e.g. Webbox:GridMs.TotW
  • :power” - with ‘sunny’ in the key e.g. Sunnyboy:power

If the webbox changes the order in the XML data and places the SB5000US inverter first, then only the power of this inverter will be picked up.

In the PVOutput configuration you can specify the key you want to use.

e.g. Webbox:GridMs.TotW only pickup readings for Webbox:GridMs.TotW


You can find the key to use in the XML data -


To add multiple inverters enter their keys with ‘+’

e.g. WRTP2S75:20000001:Pac + WRTP2S75:20000222:Pac

I find NONE of the example formats listed in my XML data.

The closest I can find is:

    <Key>Sunny WebBox:155022123:Power</Key>

    <Key>SN: 2002267416 (SN: 2002267416):2002267416:Power</Key>

    <Key>SN: 2120184640 (SN: 2120184640):2120184640:Power</Key>

SN: 2002267416 is the SB5000 inverter
SN: 2120184640 is the SB2500 inverter

I tried your example Webbox:GridMs.TotW for a day and had a completely blank reported day.

Should I try this next?

2120184640:Power + 2002267416:Power


Sunny WebBox:155022123:Power


SN: 2002267416 (SN: 2002267416):2002267416:Power +
SN: 2120184640 (SN: 2120184640):2120184640:Power