No Upload to PVoutput with SBFspot 3.5.0

Hi, I have the following problem: I restarted my ios client some time ago and got the message “BAD REQUEST 400 System has no outputs between the requested period”. We currently have winter and there is a lot of snow on the panels. So that the inverter does not give any performance. I have completely reinstalled and commissioned everything. Rasbian, SBFspot V3.5.0,

pi @ pvoutput: ~ / smadata $ /usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/SBFspot -v -loadlive -finq
SBFspot V3.5.0
Yet another tool to read power production of SMA solar inverters
© 2012-2018, SBF (
Compiled for Linux (LE) 32 bit with SQLite support
Commandline Args: -v -loadlive -finq
Reading config ‘/usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/SBFspot.cfg’
Wed Feb 6 14:32:47 2019: INFO: Starting …
sunrise: 07:40
sunset: 16:59
Connecting to 00: xxxx: 1A: F6: 23 (1/10)
Initializing …
SUSyID: 125 - SessionID: 963xx96378 (0xxx6935DA)
SMA netID = 01
Serial No: xxxx)
BT signal = 66.3%
Logon OK
Local Host Time: 14:32
Plant Time: 14:32 (+1 sec)
TZ offset: 3600 sec - DST: Off
Last Time Set: 07:40
Time was already adjusted today
SUSyID: 128 - SN: xxxx
Device Name: SN: xxxx
Device Class: Solar Inverters
Device Type: STP 15000TL-10
Software Version: 02.55.13.R
Serial number: xxxx
SUSyID: 128 - SN: xxxx
Device Status: Ok
SUSyID: 128 - SN: xxxx
Device Temperature: 0.0 ° C
SUSyID: 128 - SN: xxxx
GridRelay Status: Information not available
SUSyID: 128 - SN: 2110079666
Pac max phase 1: 15000W
Pac max phase 2: 15000W
Pac max phase 3: 15000W
SUSyID: 128 - SN: xxxx
Energy Production:
EToday: 0.000kWh
ETotal: 114454.262kWh
Operation Time: 32237.11h
Feed-In Time: 31332.88h
SUSyID: 128 - SN: xxxx
DC Spot Data:
String 1 Pdc: 0.000kW - Udc: 0.00V - Idc: 0.000A
String 2 Pdc: 0.000kW - Udc: 0.00V - Idc: 0.000A
SUSyID: 128 - SN: xxxx
AC Spot Data:
Phase 1 Pac: 0.000kW - Uac: 0.00V - Iac: 0.000A
Phase 2 Pac: 0.000kW - Uac: 0.00V - Iac: 0.000A
Phase 3 Pac: 0.000kW - Uac: 0.00V - Iac: 0.000A
Total Pac: 0.000kW
SUSyID: 128 - SN: xxxx
Grid Freq. : 0.00Hz
SUSyID: 128 - SN: xxxx
Current Inverter Time: 14:32
Inverter Wake-Up Time: 16:08
Inverter Sleep Time: 16:52

  • ArchiveDayData () *

startTime = 5C5A1570 -> 06/02/2019 00:00:00
ExportDayDataToCSV ()
Wed Feb 6 14:32:53 2019: INFO: Done.

sep =;
Version CSV1 | Tool SBFspot3.5.0 (Linux) | Linebreaks LF | Delimiter semicolon | Decimalpoint comma | Precision 3

;;;; watts; watts; amp; V volts; W; W; W; amp; amp; volts volts volts; watts; watts;%; kWh kWh; Hz; Hours; Hours; status;;% status; degC
dd / MM / yyyy HH: mm: ss; DeviceName; DeviceType; Serial; Pdc1; Pdc2; Idc1; Idc2; Udc1; Udc2; Pac1; Pac2; Pac3; Iac1; Iac2; Iac3; Uac1; Uac2; Uac3; PdcTot; PacTot ; Efficiency; EToday; ETOTAL; Frequency; operating Time; Feed Intimate; BT_Signal; Condition; Grid Relay; Temperature
06/02/2019 07: 30: 04; SN: xxxx; STP 15000TL-10; xxxx; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 114454.262; 0.000; 32237.113; 31332.883; 66.275; Ok; Information not available; 0.000

SBFspot Upload Log:
[00:31:32] WARNING: PV_SVB is not yet member of SBFspot Team. Consider joining at
[02:32:33] WARNING: PV_SVB is not yet member of SBFspot Team. Consider joining at
[04:33:32] WARNING: PV_SVB is not a member of SBFspot Team. Consider joining at
[06:34:32] WARNING: PV_SVB is not a member of SBFspot Team. Consider joining at
[08:35:31] WARNING: PV_SVB is not a member of SBFspot Team. Consider joining at
[10:36:33] WARNING: PV_SVB is not a member of SBFspot Team. Consider joining at
[12:37:32] WARNING: PV_SVB is not a member of SBFspot Team. Consider joining at
[14:37:32] WARNING: PV_SVB is not yet member of SBFspot Team. Consider joining at

What is wrong? my last upload was on 03.January 2019

Does the system simply not upload data because the inverter supplies 0 watts? or do I have a problem in my installation?

Indeed, when there is no production, no upload

Haha ok, lol - it means everything its ok in my system?