Net energy (vs power) for consumption calculation?

Hi! So I know this has been asked a few different times a few different ways by many folks, I’m trying to get a handle on the best way to enter this information.
I know I need to do something with the Net option, but in the documentation it says

Only the power values v2 (export) and v4 (import) are used to process a request with Net Data. Net data can have negative values to signify the opposite direction.

Does it not work with energy values?

Values I have:

Energy meters:
Revenue Grade Generation: this meter reads in 10Watt-hour increments. Will have small negative values overnight every night due to the inverter having a small power draw
Revenue Grade Grid: this is a net meter, reads in kWh increments only.
The above generation meter’s daily change - the grid meter value’s daily change = consumption energy
These are both cumulative meters.

Power meters:
Generation Power, from each inverter, Watts, not super accurate
Grid Net Power, from an old neurio device, Watts, not super accurate

Will these add status values work? Or do I need to do two separate add status calls?
c1 = 1
n = 1
v1 = generation energy meter (cumulative values, will go down overnight)
v2 = sum of two inverter power outputs (always positive)
v3 = grid net energy meter (cumulative values, goes down with export)
v4 = neurio power output (positive for import negative for export

The simplest method is to use two requests -

Generation Upload

  • v2 = sum of two inverter power outputs (always positive)

Meter Upload

  • n = 1
  • v4 = neurio power output (positive for import negative for export

Energy values will be calculated from power.