My 'Low Output Alert' is not triggered

What am I doing wrong?

Schermafbeelding 2021-04-25 140444

It looks correct to me, although I would try setting the alert value to something higher than 1 (like 20 or 50). Have you checked your Spam / Junk folder? How about trying to send the alert to a different email address. You can specify an alternate for the alert notifications under “Account Settings”.


Thanks for the tips.
My account email is in the form “Gmail alias”
Maybe the alert system cannot handle that?
I have put another address in the “Alert Email” field and will check next time I get a zero output.

The problem is the system is only uploading energy 0Wh, the ‘Power’ column is ‘-’ which won’t trigger the alerting without any power data.

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in my script I changed
so this is to send default 0 if Array is null