Monthly Summary only showing 3 years

On the Summary Tab I used to see than 3 years (ive got nearly 9) but now for any inverter output I look at I can only see the last 3 - (not just my inverter any ones outputs I have the same issue in the Summary tab)

I tried the customize option but it only shows either 2 or 3 years to choose from.


Tried to sign out, new browser, on phone and PC. Same. It used to work till the other day.
Is this something you need to be a Donator to see more than 3 years?

Yes, donators see up to 8 years.

Thanks my donation expired so thought it was that…I’ll be renewing in a couple of months but this is another good reason.

I checked with another friend and they had the same issue but also were a general visitor so was thinking either general bug or a donator feature.