Log push didnt fill in all days/gaps after wifi glitch

Hi All
I had an issue where my inverter stopped pushing - allegedly couldnt reach the internet for reasons unknown. Gave it a reset and is now communicating ok. Solar web has been updated. The missing data has been back filled from midnight of the day i restored connectivity, but not from 1500 the day before when things stopped working. It has now been a few days since and doesnt look like PVO is being pushed the data.
I’ve looked at several threads about manually extracting the data and if options exist or causes to why the log archive doesnt backfill beyond the current day, however i have found dated answers - years old (2018-2023) and wanted to check if there were currently recommended settings. Eg. i note that there are some updates to the net metering push vs auto - guidance there would also be appreciated after I get the missing data solved before it gets too far to extract.
I do not have the premium fronius solar web account, but I am a donation supporter of PVO.
Ideally I’d like to get 5minute intervals again, but would settle for hourly. Daily is a bit useless and have at least got those figures from SolarWeb.


Related - https://forum.pvoutput.org/t/push-fronius-log-data-from-the-past-into-pv-output/2920/48