Issue with sbfspot-config

Hoping someone has ideas…

SPFconfig fails when I turn PVOutput on.

Error is with the SID/KEY. I’ve double checked it but just won’t let me finish the install.

Any ideas?

The error is ‘different number of SID/Serial’.

I’ve done it a dozen times now and the system ID (serial) and API key are correct.

You have more than one inverter and only one PVOutput system?

Correct. I have one PVOutput account with four systems. Picture below.

The kraushaus is the master and the other two are childs. One a Frontius and the other an SMA.


In sbfspot-config, enter the pvo sid of the sma inverter. The tool will map the serial number of the sma to its pvo system id.

Do you mean by running ‘curl -s | sudo bash’

I’ve done that and entered the System ID and API Key but when I try to install it then fails with that error?

when you say the ‘pvo sid of the sma inverter’. Where do you get this from?

PVO SID=SystemID @ PVoutput - In your case 30627
sbfspot-config runs SBFspot application to get the serial number of your SMA inverter and tries to join them in SBFspotUpload.cfg. It should find only one serial number.
What is the output of
/usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/SBFspot -v -ad0 -am0 -ae0 -sp0 -nocsv -nosql -finq

here you go…

pi@pi:/usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3 $ /usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/SBFspot -v -ad0 -am0 - ae0 -sp0 -nocsv -nosql -finq
SBFspot V3.5.0
Yet another tool to read power production of SMA solar inverters
© 2012-2018, SBF (
Compiled for Linux (LE) 32 bit with SQLite support
Commandline Args: -v -ad0 -am0 -ae0 -sp0 -nocsv -nosql -finq
Reading config ‘/usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/SBFspot.cfg’
Wed Oct 31 22:23:38 2018: INFO: Starting…
sunrise: 05:57
sunset : 19:20
Connecting to Local Network…
SUSyID: 125 - SessionID: 908512267 (0x3626CC0B)
Inverter IP address: found via broadcastidentification
Logon OK
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Device Name: STP 5000TL-20 383
Device Class: Solar Inverters
Device Type: STP 5000TL-20
Software Version: 02.55.03.R
Serial number: 304963383
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Device Status: Ok
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Device Temperature: 0.0°C
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
GridRelay Status: Information not available
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Pac max phase 1: 5000W
Pac max phase 2: 5000W
Pac max phase 3: 5000W
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Energy Production:
EToday: 27.026kWh
ETotal: 32655.104kWh
Operation Time: 18421.12h
Feed-In Time : 18075.24h
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
DC Spot Data:
String 1 Pdc: 0.000kW - Udc: 0.00V - Idc: 0.000A
String 2 Pdc: 0.000kW - Udc: 0.00V - Idc: 0.000A
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
AC Spot Data:
Phase 1 Pac : 0.000kW - Uac: 0.00V - Iac: 0.000A
Phase 2 Pac : 0.000kW - Uac: 0.00V - Iac: 0.000A
Phase 3 Pac : 0.000kW - Uac: 0.00V - Iac: 0.000A
Total Pac : 0.000kW
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Grid Freq. : 0.00Hz
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Current Inverter Time: 31/10/2018 22:23:37
Inverter Wake-Up Time: 31/10/2018 06:02:57
Inverter Sleep Time : 31/10/2018 19:17:12
Wed Oct 31 22:23:38 2018: INFO: Done.

Strange… looks OK to me
Can you post the complete output of sbfspot-config?
Something like:

SBFspot Configuration Tool V1.0.9
Running on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
Checking whiptail... Installed.
Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.1 (stretch)
Minimum SBFspot version supported by this tool is 3.5.0
Request to install latest version (3.5.0)
Searching for existing configuration(s)...


Here you go…

pi@pi:~ $ curl -s r/sbfspot-config | sudo bash
SBFspot Configuration Tool V1.0.9
Running on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
Checking whiptail… Installed.
Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.1 (stretch)
Minimum SBFspot version supported by this tool is 3.5.0
Request to install latest version (3.5.0)
Searching for existing configuration(s)…
Reading defaults from /var/tmp/sbfspot.3/sbfspot.defaults… Done
Saving defaults to /var/tmp/sbfspot.3/sbfspot.defaults… Done
Performing some checks before installation… Done
Downloading sqlite-arm-linux.tar.gz
Copying files…
SBFspot.db exists
Checking database…
Schema Version=1
Configuring SBFspot… Done
Running SBFspot…
Creating cron jobs…


*/5 6-22 * * * /usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/daydata
55 05 * * * /usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/monthdata
PVO enabled, configuring upload daemon…
Different number of SID/Serial
Found 1 SIDS
Found 0 S/N

If I disable the PVOUTPUT the install completed fine. But the minute I include the SID and API key it fails the install.

I found a bug… I have released V1.0.10 to fix it.
I was not able to test it, so if you would be so kind :wink:

Will test now

Install finished but I think sqlite is stuffed…

pi@pi:~ $ sudo /usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/SBFspot -v -finq -nocsv
SBFspot V3.5.0
Yet another tool to read power production of SMA solar inverters
© 2012-2018, SBF (
Compiled for Linux (LE) 32 bit with SQLite support
Commandline Args: -v -finq -nocsv
Reading config ‘/usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/SBFspot.cfg’
Thu Nov 1 20:36:41 2018: INFO: Starting…
sunrise: 05:56
sunset : 19:21
Connecting to Local Network…
SUSyID: 125 - SessionID: 833679268 (0x31B0EFA4)
Inverter IP address: found via broadcastidentification
Logon OK
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Device Name: STP 5000TL-20 383
Device Class: Solar Inverters
Device Type: STP 5000TL-20
Software Version: 02.55.03.R
Serial number: 304963383
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Device Status: Ok
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Device Temperature: 0.0°C
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
GridRelay Status: Information not available
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Pac max phase 1: 5000W
Pac max phase 2: 5000W
Pac max phase 3: 5000W
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Energy Production:
EToday: 29.779kWh
ETotal: 32684.883kWh
Operation Time: 18434.29h
Feed-In Time : 18088.25h
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
DC Spot Data:
String 1 Pdc: 0.000kW - Udc: 0.00V - Idc: 0.000A
String 2 Pdc: 0.000kW - Udc: 0.00V - Idc: 0.000A
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
AC Spot Data:
Phase 1 Pac : 0.000kW - Uac: 0.00V - Iac: 0.000A
Phase 2 Pac : 0.000kW - Uac: 0.00V - Iac: 0.000A
Phase 3 Pac : 0.000kW - Uac: 0.00V - Iac: 0.000A
Total Pac : 0.000kW
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Grid Freq. : 0.00Hz
SUSyID: 181 - SN: 304963383
Current Inverter Time: 01/11/2018 20:36:42
Inverter Wake-Up Time: 01/11/2018 06:00:58
Inverter Sleep Time : 01/11/2018 19:24:36
[2018-11-01 20:36:42.287] Error: Can’t open SQLite db [/home/pi/smadata/SBFspot. db]: ‘unable to open database file’

  • ArchiveDayData() *

startTime = 5BD9A750 -> 01/11/2018 00:00:00

  • ArchiveMonthData() *

startTime = 5BDA5E20 -> 01/11/2018 13:00:00

  • ArchiveMonthData() *

startTime = 5BB17190 -> 01/10/2018 11:00:00
Reading events: 2018-Nov-01
Thu Nov 1 20:36:42 2018: INFO: Done.

In the /home/pi/smadata folder there is no DB. Wondering if I should edit the db location in usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/sbfspot.cfg?

Strange… in a previous post I see

Copying files…
SBFspot.db exists
Checking database…
Schema Version=1
Can’t open SQLite db [/home/pi/smadata/SBFspot. db]: ‘unable to open database file’

There is a space between SBFspot. and db – Can you check this?

I think that’s my copy and paste…

I noticed the .DB file was sitting in the /usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3 folder. I moved it to the location in the .cfg file and the error has gone away.

Was that the wrong thing to do?

No, that’s OK.
It should be there automatically. Have to recheck it.
Does it upload now?