Issue with 4/8 data

Total for the day was off from what enphase was showing. Looking at the live data for the day from 11:25 to 12:45 the average column is 0 and the Energy and Efficiency columns are stuck at the same value even though there is data showing for each interval for the Power column. Everything started updating properly then at 12:50. But this threw the totals off for the day.

Noticed when I went to add my export and consumption data which I currently just add manually to the day as I have to calculate my solar consumption based off my production vs export which I get from electric company.

Is there any other API calls such ‘Add Status’ used to update this system?

The energy data recorded appears to be reset to 0 from 11:25AM onwards. The page doesn’t show decreasing energy so the last known energy is shown instead - until a value greater is received.

No. Only using the Automatic Uploads for Enphase V4 in the settings. The only other thing I do as far as updating the system is to manually add my Energy Exported and Energy Used once I get that info from my electric delivery company. I just use the edit link next to the date to do that. I noticed the discrepancy when I was about to do that for 4/8.

Appears I can fix it fairly easily. I setup a test system under my account yesterday and played around with uploading csv data. I think I can just download 4/8 and then use the live uploader to just re-upload the time and power columns and it appears that in my testing it would recalculate the Energy, Efficiency, Average, etc.

I went ahead and downloaded the day as csv then used the live uploader to load it back into that day to fix the data.

Maybe it was some glitch with pulling data from Enphase? I know watching it real time I will see new rows every 5 minutes due to the weather pull but the power sometimes doesn’t show up for 45 minutes or more. It eventually grabs and pulls a bunch from Enphase. Part of it is when I first got the system it was using a cellular modem which Enphase sets to only send the microinverter data to them every 6 hours. I ended up recofiguring it and setting it up on my WiFi but even then it only sends data to them every 15 minutes. Even on their site it sometimes updates more often but periodically there’s sometimes up to 45 minutes before it updates.

Waiting on my solar installer to come back and install/setup consumption meter on my Enphase system so I don’t have to download my 15-minute interval import/export data from the electric company. Total it all up then calculate my consumption by subtracting the export from generated and adding to my import. Just so I can update the day with those totals!

Glad I found this site, it’s been very helpful in combining it all into some easy to understand graphs, etc. Much better than the excel workbook I had setup with tons of lookups and formulas just to get some decent daily summaries.