Hi there! New user here, but I’m already very excited to be putting data in.
I wrote my own interface that pulls data out of prometheus for my solar install. I’m wondering if there’s a complete description about all of the fields.
For instance, v6 is “Voltage.” Is there a common definition of what voltage we’re talking about here? Is it grid voltage? Is it our inverter voltage? Is it the voltage at our panels? Right now I’m reporting the average value of each of my optimizer strings, but I see some people discussing inverter output voltages instead.
Similarly, for the energy vs power (v4 and v5), v4 is a calculated running tally of watt hours consumed today, but v5 is a calculated instantaneous watts across both A and B phase for that moment – is that correct?
Mostly I just don’t want to “cheat” on any of my report values since I like the mildly competitive nature of it (and in three days of reporting it looks like I’m 5th place for Pennsylvania, USA!)